Bloom, Earth Matters - Issue 24

$ 100.00


I really admire Li Edelkoort who is a trend forecaster, thinker, mover and shaker in the world of design and culture. Her commentary on the social fabric and trends in the fashion world are always super interesting and reach into the true underlying waves that shape and form an outward sartorial expression. Any interview with her is insightful and inspiring. And on top of this work, Edelkoort is at the forefront of creating various programs to bring back the education of fibers and textiles - as this has largely been lost. There is one interview with her where she mentions how a writer at one of the biggest commercial fashion magazines (won't name names) indicates a pattern as a print when in fact it is a woven pattern. This is a very basic example, but it shows how is missing in the education of textiles. It's important!

272 pages, 11.25" by 9" by 1.25"

I am copying and pasting the description of content from the editor - 

"This century is bringing a moment of reflection and radical change, making up for a century of abuse, greed and violence. For the first time, a post fossil society is emerging, giving humankind some hope and faith in the future. Resetting attitudes and mentalities towards having more respect for the earth and each other. Therefore design will mine conceptual matter, taking inspiration from the earth and trying to give back its beauty and strength, restoring her self-respect and reflecting on the huge gift this planet was, and still will be for us humans.

A wealth of ideas will sprout from the earth, analysing all her entrails and components, to be transformed into dimensional textiles and earthbound colours. In this issue of Bloom, we explore artisans and scrutinize artists, visit farms and look at new ingredients such as banana fiber and old recipes including paper and felt. Bloom will continue to promote new ways of coping with sustainability and respect for our planet.

Our entente with nature will be rewritten and re-invented; we will try to live together in a more harmonious way, giving and taking, and caring for one another. A more intimate and intuitive relationship will be the result, based on primitive emotions, ancient rituals and archaic systems, re-inventing animism."