Riversong Japanese Baroque Pearl Necklace

$ 3,015.00



A favrotie pearl necklace by Riversong. This is a piece River continues to make, but it's different and truly special each time because of the shape and color of the pearls. This is made with Japanese cultured baroque pearls knotted on a taupe nylon thread with a handmade 14k gold closure. This one in particular has pearls with a hint of pink. A stunning, one of a kind piece.

18.5" long

Made in San Miguel de Allende by Riversong

River hand makes all her pieces, and the sourcing of her stones goes much deeper than going to gem shows - River has relationships around the world with gem vendors that she visits on a regular basis. River is a good friend of ours and we have watched her process and carried her work for years. Her dedication and integrity are something to be admired <3